FINALLY...and I mean FINALLY I had the chance to watch this beautiful movie. Before watching the movie (and waiting so patiently), I had come across to many reviews that didn't enjoy the movie. That's ok, because that is their opinion. And in my opinion, if you didn't understand the movie, then you wouldn't have enjoyed it.
This movie is definitely not your average American-made movie...in fact, when watching this movie you need to let loose your imagination and have that passion for music. Otherwise, you would have thought the movie was boring.
As for me, OF COURSE I enjoyed it. I love every bit about this movie. Though, maybe the ending...since it did lack closure. But you know what?? That's the best thing about it. The writers want us "the audience" to imagine and end the movie as we wish. And some people would rather have the ending be told to them.
I must admit, I am not that too fond of Keri Russell, but I have to admit...she looked absolutely stunning. I love the accent from Jonathan. And you can't leave out Freddie "August Rush." He did such an amazing job...that he really did move me throughout the entire movie.
There was a scene where Terrence Howard was teaching Freddie how to whistle, that scene was just flawless.
And as for Robin Williams, before watching the movie, I knew he was suppose to be antagonist character...which he did do his role alright. I think the only thing that I liked about Robin's character was the name...Wizard. hahaha...
All in all, the movie is really all about the intangibles. And I for one, really did enjoy every minute of it.