
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Before and After: the Comparisons

(From L-R and Top-Bottom): 關海山, 沈殿霞, 雪妮 & 曾江

Ever since the passing of Lydia, I've gone on some spree to get any black & white films that she was in. I've always had a thing for black 陳寶珠, 呂奇, 馮寶寶, 石堅, 曹達華, 張英才, 林家聲, 胡楓, 曾江, 梁醒波, 南紅 & much much more!! Personally, my favourite pair are: 張英才 & 南紅 and 陳寶珠 & 胡楓. I have always found 張英才's acting skills one of a kind. Just too bad he's not acting nemore lor.

While I was searching for which Lydia Shum or black & white films to buy, I came across a poster for a particular film and had great difficulty on who a particular lead actress was. Apparently, she was Ha Ping 夏萍. Man!! Does she look REALLY good!! So good, that I couldn't recognize her and thought she looked sort of like Astrid Chan 陳芷菁. Don't you think she sort of looks like her?? It was the eyes that made me think of Astrid.