It wasn't as funny as I thought it would be. The action scenes were done ok-well...and I don't like the way how men in this movie wore heavy eye shadows or whatever you want to call it that is on their eyelids. ICK!!
Anyhow, this is the first for me to see Li Bing Bing 李冰冰 and Crystal Liu Yi Fei 劉亦菲. I thought both female star from China are really beautiful-looking!! I prefer Crystal in the ancient clothings, and Li Bing Bing in both ancient and modern. And by the way, I LOOOVE Li Bing Bing
s white hair in this movie. Just FAB-U-LOUS!! XD
On the last note, I am really surprised to see Jet Li portraying the Monkey King role. Reason I say so is that he normally gets those serious-types of roles...and with the Monkey King, ya just gotta be SILLY!! So, it was kinda ok-weird for me lor!!