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豬腱 100g(可用雞扒代替)
鮮冬菇 3隻
木耳 7g
粉絲 20g
清水 1000ml
薑絲 1湯匙
蠔油 1湯匙
生抽 2茶匙
老抽 2茶匙
鹽 1茶匙
胡椒粉 適量
麻 適量
蠔油 半湯匙
砂糖 茶匙
馬蹄粉 3湯匙
水 5湯匙
1. 豬腱飛水,備用。
2. 木耳浸軟切絲,鮮冬菇洗淨瀝乾水切片,加入冬菇醃料,蒸10min,備用。
3. 粉絲浸軟切段,備用。
4. 水煮沸先加入已飛水豬腱至煮熟,盛起,切幼絲。
5. 燒熱油,加入薑絲爆香,下冬菇絲炒香。
6. 另鍋加入清水1000ml,加入爆香薑絲、冬菇絲煮沸,再轉慢 15 min。
7. 加入木耳、肉絲煮一會,下調味料拌勻。
8. 芡汁料先拌勻,加入湯中,以大火拌至稠。
9. 最後下粉絲煮一會,加些胡椒粉、麻油,即可享用。
- 芡汁料加入湯中時,一定須以大火邊拌邊煮至稠。
- 除胡椒粉、麻油外,可加入大紅浙醋更美味。
JenZ Modifications:
I didn't follow through with the portioning of the ingredients. In fact, my batch was more than this recipe. I substituted 木耳 with 雲耳, and added 竹筍.
In my opinion, I thought the process when I had to 爆香 the shredded ginger and pre-marinated 冬菇, that was new to me...and I really like that step a lot. Also, I did not end up making a 芡 for the soup...because I thought I had the perfect thickness of the soup.
I thought that this time around with the recipe, it tasted very good. Esp., now that I have 紅浙醋...it just made the soup heavenly tasteful!! =D

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**Credits: Ivman Blog